Wednesday, 25 January 2012

12th of January 2012

Decided to be a bit of a minimalist today. Spent the whole day working on the comic 'As I imagine it', so when I came to filling this in (end of the day), the notion of doing less was pretty appealing at this point.
But in spite of the hours... I do it for the love man.

11th of January 2012

I think I'm getting the hang of this daily-doodle-comic-scribing. Today I went to fix my smashed 3DS at GameStation (I failed to mention I realised this yesterday). THE SWINE, I only bought the console a month ago and they still have the nerve to tell me to piss off... I hope Tabby's full.
After a rather interesting conversation about comics and other sequential art with my teacher for the day; Michael. At the same time, I picked up a few painting tips. I appreciated the culture exchange.
Finally ended the day with Muay Thai. Shower - then off to bed.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

10th of January 2012

Back working on the mural with Fab. Working in the office of some amazing illustrators at the London Print Studio, but beyond that, they were really funny! And finally, I smoothed over things with my Marge... Nice!

9th of January 2012

The lesson for the day... upgrade man.

8th of January 2012

Well, to be honest, Sunday's aren't good days for me. Pissy mood, and the cramped car filled with relatives didn't help. But with all things Taymah, things are always solved with food.

7th of January 2012

'I shall not fail, I will become the greatest illustrator - ever'
beliee dat

6th of January 2012

I think it might be time to let the work speak for itself. Today's verdict: 5.5 meh

5th of January 2012

Well I decided to go speechless this time. I supposed to meet every one from college at Vyner Street in Hackney (its a street paved with undergrad and postgrad art exhibitions), but who did I see: no one. Reason being, I came 3 hours too early...
In the end I stormed home at the realisation of my stupidity, and bumped into a couple friends. I was invited to one of their newly acquired homes (that had no electricity) and we 'got rid' of some herbs. Can't complain about how things turned out.

4th of January 2012

Right, its the fist day back and I'd imagine the situation is clear... no need for further analysis.

3rd of January 2012

Still reviling in my free time off. Christmas breaks last day, and unfortunately I left the coursework to the last minute... Been working on 'As I imagine it'  all winter; its a comic you'll be seeing in a comic book store near you pretty soon I imagine.

2nd of January 2012

The only thing weirder than my drawing of my Dad's mohican, is the situation between me and Mother at this time.

1st of January 2012

I know, I'm a horrible bastard... I draw demons in church and I eat babies. But Cheesus still loves me.